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Black Hole Lava Boulders

4 Corners Region USA quarry
Lava flow rock
Black Hole boulders? Yes, these black lava boulders are is dark as the space of a black hole, where gravity is so strong there is zero light. And in these boulders there is typically zero color except for black, so Black Hole Boulders.
This quarry produces the largest, highest quality black lava boulders in the USA. The size and depth of color is far, superior to anything in California. I searched for many years to find some truly large and pure black boulders at good price. Unlike California,
Four Corners black lava boulders these are available in large amounts in 2, 3, 4 and even 5 foot sizes. They are a sturdy product suited for windy, dry areas, along pathways, among paving stones, and rock gardens.

These volcanic boulders give a dramatic look to ponds, waterfalls and when spotlighted with landscape lighting, but the water should be filtered to remove hard water minerals that will discolor the boulders over time.

More information on Black Holes

Black Hole Lava Boulders