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St.Jude Children's Cancer & Research Center
The mission of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is to find cures for children with catastrophic illnesses through research and treatment. Founded by the late entertainer, Danny Thomas, the hospital opened in 1962.

The resources of the hospital have been focused on pediatric cancer throughout its 39-year history. St. Jude Children's Cancer Center is the only NCI funded Cancer Center dedicated exclusively to research and treatment of cancer in children. Patients are accepted without regard to race, religion or ability to pay. The Cancer Center is dedicated to long-term follow-up of its patients, thereby providing a framework for growing cancer prevention and control research initiatives which are encompassed within our research programs.

The Cancer Center supports five major interdisciplinary research programs that are organized with the specific intent of translating basic science discoveries into curative therapies for children with cancer, while minimizing long-term side effects. Public support of the hospital provides an unusually strong foundation for our Cancer Center upon which extramurally funded research and CCSG support can be leveraged to their fullest potential.

California Building Material Supply as business is going to donate $2 on every order that is shipped out and paid for by the customers. We as a business consider ourselves to be a vital member of the society, that is why we are doing all we can to contribute to the cancer research through this endeavor.

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