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California Produced Decomposed Granite

Decomposed Granite is an elegant addition to any landscape. Primarily used for paths, walkways, and driveways, this sophisticated material is a striking tan color that packs extremely well. Its rustic, natural appearance is a beautiful complement to landscapes and provides a stable base that can be treated with polymers to set the color and reduce track-ability, or can be left as is for an organic, high-end feel.

Whether for driveways, pathways, patios, utility landscape areas or to surround trees, crushed stone or decomposed granite can be a versatile material that prevents weed growth, maintain even soil moisture and makes an outdoor space more appealing. These two are not the same material, though. Decomposed granite has a natural coarse look to it, while crushed stone products tend to be more flat and have a higher amount of fine material. Crushed stone products, granite, sandstone, limestone and others offer a greater array of natural colors to work with than most true decomposed granite materials.
Decomposed Granite Per Ton

As a general rule of 3/8" or 1/4" of crushed stone or decomposed granite material will cover a little over 100 square feet of an ground area at a 2-1/2" depth.
Decomposed Granite Per Yard
As a general rule 1 cubic yard of 3/8" or 1/4" of crushed stone or decomposed granite material will cover 125 square feet in a 2-1/2" inch layer. A cubic yard of moist crushed stone fines or decomposed granite material weighs more or less 3,000 pounds.

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