A comprehensive listing of the most common boulders sold in the landscaping industry in the Western And Southwestern USA. Boulder prices are usually shown price per ton FOB the quarry location. Note that the product description will read Boulder Name Quarry location and Geology We deliver boulders throughout the USA. We can ship 1 small boulder or a whole trailer load. Keep in mind that trucking ranges from reasonable to very costly. Boulders for other regions can be found here on the web pages for those states.
Central Arizona quarry. Schist Rock. Shipping bulk rock throughout Arizona and Southern California. Pallet sized shipments are shipped anywhere in the USA.
Basalt Columns, from North Western States quarry, are a breathtaking addition to any landscape, showcasing their unique characteristics and enhancing the overall design. These boulders belong to the igneous rock family, originating from volcanic activity and featuring a captivating columnar structure.
We hand-select these black granite boulders from quarries and construction sites as available. Black academy granite boulders are really difficult to come by as an affordable landscape material.
Central California rock quarry. The features of the rock are very different from quarry to quarry, the basalt at this quarry features a "crystal" type basalt.
California and Colorado quarries, we hand-select these black granite boulders from quarries and construction sites as available. Black granite boulders are really difficult to come by as an affordable landscape material.
Black slate stone products are durable enough to endure the harshest elements outside, yet beautiful enough to be part of an upscale building's interior decor. It has a rich, dark gray-to-black color that adds depth and visual appeal anywhere it is placed.
Southern California quarry, materials are in delivered bulk throughout Southern, Central California and the Northern California Bay Area and palleted material anywhere requested.
Casino Royale Gold rock, previously sold as Apache Gold is quarried in Southern Nevada, delivered bulk throughout Southern, Central California, and the Northern California Bay Area, and palleted material anywhere requested.
Northern Arizona rock quarry. Champagne Granite Boulders are a great rock material for creating beautiful intriguing landscapes due to the sparkling rich gold and rose rich color tones.
Southern Nevada quarry, materials are in delivered bulk throughout Southern, Central California and the Northern California Bay Area and palleted material anywhere requested.
Southern California quarry shipping material in bulk loads of 18 to 24 tons throughout California. Smaller orders sent as palleted material anywhere requested.
Central Valley California quarry. Materials are shipped bulked 18 to 24 tons throughout California. Smaller orders shipped on pallets anywhere requested.
Southern California quarry. The only rock material in Southern and Central California that has colors of red, orange, yellow, and sometimes purple tones, Apache Sunset is an excellent value.
If you are looking for a hot pink rock colors ranges from soft to hot pink then these quartzite sandstone boulders and finished stone materials are natural art wonders in the making for millions of years.
California quarry, Quarzitic dolomite limestone. These Lompoc White Boulders are a golden oatmeal colored boulder that comes in many shapes and sizes ranging from 18" to 24" in diameter.
Northern California, the foothills of the western side of the Sierra Nevada mountains have vast grassy ranch lands. We and other boulder wranglers harvest the moss covered boulders that can limit use of these lands.
Northern California quarry, also known as Calistoga Boulders, Napa Wine Country Rock and Boulders feature a mixture of color tones in burgundy, red, brown, mauve and dash of cream with an amazing amount silica crystals sparkling in the sunlight.
Southern California quarry shipping bulk material throughout Southern and Central California and into the Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada metro regions. Palleted material shipped everywhere.
Alta California quarry. Red boulders are very similar to Summer Sangria but in the northern most portion of the state. Great value for the Bay Rea, Wine Country, Sacramento and the Reno region.
Central Valley California quarry. Materials are shipped bulked 18 to 24 tons throughout California. Smaller orders shipped on pallets anywhere requested.
Trout Creek Stone is a rock with a potpourri colors, brought out in a beautiful unpredictable earthen tones, the colors are primarily browns, tans, hints of green, hints of purple, hints of orange.
These boulders are harvested and shipped from regionally located quarries. Material is shipped bulk, palleted and specimens on lowbeds throughout California and other states.
Central California quarry shipping bulk materials through California. Yosemite granite boulders with their smooth creating a warm and earthy aesthetic in the landscape. As a type of granite, they possess the durability and strength that make them suitable for various landscaping purposes.