Home > Boulder > Boulders By Color > Gold and Tan Rock > Santa Barbara Sandstone

Santa Barbara Sandstone aka Montecito Rock

Santa Barbara Sandstone features gold, tan, brown and some chocolate colors, very similar to Oklahoma Sandstone Wall Rock.
LEED material as it is the by product from regular foothill construction works and flood channel clean up work.

This is the chiseled stone used for walls and building veneer scene at most of the high-end hotels, resorts and estates of Hope Ranch, Montecito and Santa Barbara and outlying communities. As rock goes this is a soft material that is easily worked by skilled masons into beautiful building and wall rock. Most of the sandstone sold in Southern California is from the Ventura County mountains, often called Malibu Rock. What sets Santa Barbara Sandstone apart from Malibu Rock is the lack of green sandstone in it. Malibu Rock, cobbles, and boulders have a high amount of pale green sandstone in the material, this rarely occurs in the Santa Barbara Sandstone formations.

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Santa Barbara Sandstone Boulder 30" - 36" - Big Landscaping Rock Santa Barbara Sandstone Rock Boulder 30" - 36" Per Pound

Santa Barbara Sandstone features gold, tan, brown and some chocolate colors, very similar to Oklahoma Sandstone Wall Rock.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Pound $590.00 California Central Coast quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $450.00
Savings: $140.00
Santa Barbara Sandstone Boulder 36" - 48" - Landscape Stone Santa Barbara Sandstone Rock Boulder 36" - 48" Per Ton

Santa Barbara Sandstone features gold, tan, brown and some chocolate colors, very similar to Oklahoma Sandstone Wall Rock.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $590.00 California Central Coast quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $450.00
Savings: $140.00
Santa Barbara Sandstone Boulder 36" - 48" - Rock for garden Santa Barbara Sandstone Rock Boulder Specimens

Santa Barbara Sandstone features gold, tan, brown and some chocolate colors, very similar to Oklahoma Sandstone Wall Rock.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Each $590.00 California Central Coast quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $450.00
Savings: $140.00
Santa Barbara Sandstone